Jade, which is primarily found in green and different closer shades of green color, belongs to the semi-precious category of stones. Besides green, it is also considerably found in colors of blue, brown, lavender, off-white, red, white, yellow, pink, orange, grey, cream, and black. The term of Jade basically belongs to Spanish language. It has been sourced from the term of �Piedra De Hijada�, which defines for stone of the loin. That is the reason why this stone is also popularly referred as �loin-stone�, and thereby defining its ability to cure health problems related to loin. It is also popularly referred as �precious green stone� because of its immense benefits as stated by astrology.
Classifications and Sources
As already stated, it is found in wide range o0f varieties on the basis of its varied colors. However, amongst all these forms, those found in green color is believed to be the most popular of all, especially among those who wish to have Jade Stone as an element of jewelry. Besides its distinction on the grounds of color, it has been categorized in two major categories of Jadeite and Nephrite on other aspects of its physical properties, which we will further discuss later in this article. Burma, China, Myanmar, South America, Russia, and Central America are the major contributors of this stone, thus fulfilling its huge demand as generated out of the need of astrology as well as its demand in the form of jewelry. Amongst these, Burmese Jadeite is considered as the supreme most quality amongst all.
Jadeite and Nephrite
Jadeite is the most auspicious and effective of these two forms. However, it is not as commonly found as the Nephrite form. The former holds a semi-opaque appearance. It comes in wide variety of colors such as grey-pink, pale-lilac, reddish-brown, white, reddish-orange, grey-blue, and green (Imperial Jade), with most of them being intense. The latter form of Nephrite is comparatively less transparent and less intense. It is also found in wide range of colors such as black, grey, yellow-brown, white, green, and blue-grey.
Its Benefits, As Effective As Its Beauty
Jade stone jewelry is one favorite preference for all jewelry lovers. Besides drawing the cult jewelry lovers out of its sheer magnificence and distinct beauty, it is one valuable stone for those who seek to derive certain astrological benefits out of it as well. Here, we will discuss about some major benefits and influences that this stone can bring in one�s life.
It makes one optimistic about life and all minor and major things of it. It brings good luck, love in relationships, and a stable life with no unprecedented hiccups. It improves one�s decision-making ability, and thus is considered to be effective for those working in higher positions. It enhances one�s management skills, especially wealth management. If presented as a gift to one�s partner, then this stone enhances love, fidelity, understanding, and trust in relationships, besides improving fertility and physical relationships. Also, one remains safe and sound with this stone in possession. Precisely, it protects one from accidents and ailments related to heart, kidney, and stomach. Those who are already suffering from any of these problems find a quick solution in the face of this stone.