Blue Sapphire, also popularly known as Neelam stone, is considered to be an intensely effective gemstone. Usually, Blue Sapphire or Neelam is considered to be a very cold gemstone. It is usually available either in the color of dark blue or faint blue, which is the result of the blend of aluminum, oxygen, and a little cobalt in it. Sometimes, one can find it in yellow color as well. Capricorn and Aquarius are the Zodiac Signs associated with Blue Sapphire, and air is its element.
The impact and influence of Blue Sapphire is considered to be too intense and quick. If Blue Sapphire suits anyone, it can bring a lot of positive differences in one�s life. However, in case where Blue Sapphire and its wearer are on terms of incompatibility, then Neelam gemstone holds high chances of creating a major turmoil in the life of its wearer. Therefore, astrology always recommends it to be worn only after a short trial.
Anyone who wishes to wear a Blue Sapphire is recommended to initially test itself on oneself for around a week�s time. Also, make sure that you wear Blue Sapphire either in a gold or Panch Dhatu, only on the day of Saturday, during the time of sunset, in the second finger of your right hand only. One can also get it embedded either in an iron ring or silver ring. The weight of Blue Sapphire should either be 5 grams or 7 grams. Before wearing the gemstone, one is required to keep it in copper bowl full of water, on the day of Saturday only. The water of the bowl should then be poured to the roots of the peepal tree at around two hours before sunset. The Mantra which is needed to be recited at the time of wearing Blue Sapphire is �Om Aim Hreem Shanecharaya Namah�. While wearing the Blue Sapphire gemstone, one should pray to Lord Saturn asking Him to confer his blessings over life.