Aspects of Emerald Stone
Emerald is found in Afghanistan, Brazil, Colombia, India, Madagascar, Pakistan, Russia, Tanzania, and Zambia. They are found in coal mines, and thus most of the Emerald stones have black spots of carbon over them. The finest pieces of Emerald are considered to be found in Colombia. Those found in Zambia and Brazil are counted as close second. Emerald stone with cracks are common and intrinsic aspect of them, which do not lessen their effectiveness in any way. Apart from Panna, it has several other names such as Esmaurde, Markat, Samargdos, Smarlda, Tarkshya, and Zamurrad. It belongs to the element Earth.
Emerald Stone and Mercury
Emerald is associated with the planet Mercury, which is regarded as the prince of the nine astrological planets. It is considered to denote for the traits of wisdom, intellect, and voice. It rules the Zodiac Signs of Gemini and Virgo. Emerald or Panna are effective gemstones to be used in situations where one is suffering from the ill-effects generated out of weak or malefic Mercury.
Benefits of Emerald Stone
With Emerald stone, one can overcome the state of mental disturbance. It helps one to pacify mental state, and gain sensibilities, stable reasoning, and quickness of thought. It also elevates one�s spiritual awareness. Anyone who dons Emerald Stone with devotion and belief gets conferred with the blessings of Goddess Saraswati, the supreme Hindu deity of wisdom and knowledge. It also confers its devoted wearers with abundance of food grains, property, and pleasure of ethical children. Emeralds safeguards one from bad dreams, evil eyes, and black magic. One grows as a person to get more lovable, compassionate, and noble in nature.
In its physical impact, it improves eyesight, and ensures a quick healing of other health problems such as asthma, cough stammering, rheumatism, spondalysis, etc. With Emerald stone, one remains protected from evil thoughts of others, and one gains a precise view of the original faces of all those around.
It is highly recommended to astrologers, architects, accountants, businessmen, diplomats, engineers, teachers, property dealers, writers, and those related to science and medical field. It is considered to be an equally effective gemstone for all, who are engaged in some or the other intellectual work. Students, and all those learning or practicing some form of art can find themselves learning and gaining much more, with Emerald stone. Also, it is recommended to wear an Emerald stone around their waist, as it helps in less painful and smooth delivery of child. It also makes as a satisfyingly beautiful present to be given to a romantic partner or life partner.
Wear Emerald Stone
Take a look at the process of wearing Emerald stone. Before starting with the process, buy one Emerlad stone, not less than 2.5 Ratti, and get it embedded in silver. Place
One should follow this process on the day of Wednesday only, at the time of sunrise. Wash the stone with un-boiled milk, and then touch it with the idol or image of the deity of your choice. Then wear it in the little gifinger of the right hand. While doing so, chant the Mantra of �Om Braam Breem Broum Sah Bhudhaya Namah� Follow it by offering prayers to the Lord Mercury. At the end, donate money to Brahmin, and make one cow eat green vegetables from your hands. The money should be donated according to one�s own potential.
For attaining utmost benefits of Emerald stone, recite the above mentioned Mantra and offer prayers on regular basis.