Vedic Astrology and horoscope can well be said as the face of each other, at least in the common view. The reason is simple. Birth horoscope and horoscope matching are those forms of Vedic Astrology which keep reminding their presence to one at different stages of life. Also, horoscope predictions which one come across, either in the form of daily horoscope, weekly horoscope, monthly horoscope, or yearly horoscope, keep one intact to the Vedic Astrology. Therefore, horoscopes come across as the most visible and easily identified face of Vedic Astrology among the common people.
Significance of Date of Birth in Horoscope
Among these very common forms, horoscope matching is very prominent, keeping in considerations its impact over one�s life. In Vedic Astrology, a horoscope is drawn on the basis of date of the birth of a person. The principle behind this consideration is that Vedic Astrology believes in the different planetary combinations at different points of time, and their influence over one�s life. It believes that the planetary combinations as formed at the time of the birth of as person, influences the way of life of that person. Since planets are dynamic which change their positions with every passing frame of time, the date of birth of a person is of utmost significance to draw a perfect horoscope for one�s life.
The date of birth can be called as the base of one�s horoscope, or the fundamental of the building. The chance which a building holds to stand up in perfect shape, entirely depends on the way with which fundamental has been placed. A wrong fundamental might eventually lead to a building fault or a building collapse. Similarly, altered information on date of birth might change the entire horoscope estimations. From the planetary positions to the planetary combinations to the Nakshatras (lunar constellations) information, on which horoscope matching is done; all are required to be in perfect shape and size, which entirely depends on the perfect and precise information of date of birth.
Horoscope by Date of Birth
Horoscope matching which is done prior to one�s marriage, and in fact, which is considered to be the most important part of one�s life, is on the same lines. At the time of horoscope matching, the horoscope of the prospective bride and groom are assessed, and are then compared to draw out the state of possible compatibility and the chances of them scoring a success with their prospective marriage relationship. Since a horoscope is drawn on the basis of the date of birth of a person, it is important to get it right on the dot.
A wrong information of date of birth leads to the wrong formation of a horoscope, and thus, at the time of horoscope matching, an astrologer might accordingly make a mistake of drawing out wrong attributes of boy and girl thus defining a wrong prediction about the success or failure of one�s marriage relationship.
Get Horoscope Matching Done
Have an online horoscope matching done for you and your prospective partner in simple and easy steps. Just provide us with the information of your date of birth followed by the date of birth of your partner. Type it in the mentioned space, and follow it by clicking on the �submit� button. It will be followed with the compatibility result of horoscope matching, making you precise about the eventual result of your prospective relationship (or present), in accordance to destiny and astrology.