Opal stone, naturally found in gleaming form, has many colors of it. Prominently, it is found in mixed colors. The term of opal is believed to have derived out of the Sanskrit word of �upala� and the Latin word of �opalus�, the which in its literal meaning refer to �precious stones�.
Forms of Opal
Since it is found in numerous colors and forms with each one holding some or the other distinguished factor of appearance, it is often called as a mysterious gem. Among those many, apart from the basic form, the forms of harlequin opal, fire opal, water opal, wood opal, black opal, white opal, crystal opal, and precious opal can be included in the list of prominent. Irrespective of any of these forms, the one common aspect that all boasts of is the nature and intensity of its shine which is superior and incomparable to the flash of any other stone in the gemstone world.
Almost all its forms holds immense popularity, which is well reflective with the sales number it holds it in its bracket. People love to have them as different elements of ornaments, which include rings, pendants, and earrings.
Australia is the major source of the almost all categories of opal stone. Mexico is the source of the fire opal stone category.
Out of its impressiveness and numerous intrinsic qualities, it is popularly referred as �The Queen of Gemstones� and �The Eve of Gods�. For the fact, most of the sections of astrology consider it as the most magical and luckiest stone of all.
One of the highlighting aspects which has also dedicated to its unrelenting popularity is its ability to comprise, carry, and confer the huge amount of energy to its wearers. It also bestows one with wealth, prosperity, beauty, charisma, and power. It boosts up personality and sexual powers of its wearers. It also gives voice to one�s feelings, and helps one precisely put across what one actually feels for something. It also helps one get rid of self-destruction tactics.
One gains a magnetic personality out of this stone, with which others automatically gets attracted to and influenced by wearer, though only in a positive way. It augments one�s sixth instinct to a level where one gains an ability to precisely predict. It is because of this valuable power of this stone that many astrologers and occultists make sure to have it in their personal collection.
In personal life, one gets more adorable and affectionate with friends and family. Also, stability settles in. In professional life, it confers one with numerous valuable opportunities, which one can cash on to make it big in their respective career field. It has been observed to be highly beneficial for those who have their own businesses or trades, in particularly related to the industry of travel and tourism, and imports and exports. Those stuck in legal suits can either get out of them or can get them in favor with the possession of this stone.
Healing Properties
The �healing properties of Opal stone� is a well talked about subject since ages. Many reputed and seasoned astrologers have put across a long list of benefits, which wearer of this stone derives out of its healing properties.
The Related Aspects of Opal
Those belonging to the Zodiac Sign of Taurus remarkably move on their side of righteousness and virtue with the possession of this stone. It is equally recommended for those born in the month of October. Venus is the ruling planet of this stone.
Important Note
As soon as it declines to get pale or fade, one should discard and replace it with a new stone. Carrying on with a pale Opal might create adverse impacts. With it being a highly sensitive stone, it is highly prone to get cracked, chipped, or dashed. Therefore, one is required to be extra cautious with it.