Without any perplexity, marriage can undeniably be stated as one of the most crucial decisions of life. It is important to get that decision right, as it is way too important to ensure that you live a pleasant and contented life. It is very obvious as you live about two-third of your life as a married person. If you don�t live that part happily then you clearly don�t live a happy life. Vedic Astrology can be one highly reliable and effective source of assistance in this decision-making process. In order to understand that, learn about �Horoscope Matching� or �Horoscope Compatibility�.
What Is It?
Horoscope Matching, as the name clearly suggests, is a process of matching of horoscopes of two individuals who are in the bracket of consideration for getting married. It is done for the purpose of arriving at a decision and for ascertaining that if those two individuals are bound to form a good married pair or not. That is concluded by determining the probable level of compatibility and understanding that those two individuals are bound to share. To determine that, horoscope matching is performed by astrologers at the stage of consideration. It is far more important than consideration of the physical attributes, financial status, religion, and caste of the other person at the time of marriage.
What Is The Process?
The process involves consideration of different factors of significance in horoscope of both boy and girl, on an individual as well as mutual scale. Apart from the prominent factor of Zodiac Sign, different planetary positions and combinations as formed in one�s horoscope and their influence are closely studied, and then evaluated with the same details of the other person on one common scale of comparison. More precisely, the six factors of longevity, mental compatibility and likeness, child birth, health, separate tendencies, and financial stability are drawn. Gun Milan or Ashtakoot Milan process, which is a significant part of it, involves consideration of eight aspects of Varan, Vasya, Tara, Yoni, Grah Maitri, Gan, Bhakoot, and Nadi. They are mutually allotted with a score of �36�. On the basis of matching, a score is drawn. A score more than half the mark, i.e. �18� is considered as favorable and a score less than that is considered as unfavorable.
However, it is not certainly the end of the road in cases where results suggest for lack of compatibility and failure of relationship. In some of such cases, an astrologer out of his wisdom can identify the root causes of it and can accordingly recommend appropriate remedies. If performed as recommended, these remedial solutions can eliminate those causes of hitches.
Why Is It Important?
If said in a plane tone, it is important because it ensures success of a marital relationship. As already stated, marriage is one important part of life, which by no means can be taken for granted. It is important for one to be apprehensive about it. Many a times, it has been observed that people, who move in a relationship without getting any astrological counseling, end up either living a conflicting relationship or eventually end up getting separated. In the principles of Hindu religion, marriage is believed as a sacred union and any sort of separation in it is highly defamatory and aberrant.
By getting yourself go through the process of �Horoscope Matching�, you get yourself ensured of the success of that probable relationship with another person in a way. Also, it warns you of not getting married to a person on the first place, in case where your matching results suggest for an unpleasant union amongst you two. By following or not following the same, you can make or break two lives. One important thing to understand here is that no relationship is completely out of disagreements or conflicts. However, getting them in abundance and letting them remain unsolved is what ruins a relationship. By following Horoscope Matching results, you don�t actually ensure yourself of an absolute trouble-free relationship, but of a relationship where you and your partner can deal with those troubles without getting much affected by them.